Selasa, 14 April 2015

Sad of myself

Sad of myself

I don’t understand what happiness is
And how to get it
I tried to make myself happy
By doing anything I want to do
Don’t care what other people say
They don’t know who I am
They can only judge me, say I am lazy girl, I am weak girl
Without understand what I feel
Sad of myself
I keep it in the deep of my heart
Never going to let them know
Like they who don’t want to know
I take myself out of the world
never let anyone else come to my life, again
I am tired can’t being myself
They demand me to do what they do
They always try me to become someone who they expecting
They did not try to understand what I feel
And now,
I am alone, no one beside me
Every day, every time, every second
I just look like zombie
Have no feeling, no target, no willing, hoping
I am dead soul
Walking in the dark of life
Guess what, I’ve tried everything to be with you
I got you but only for a moment
You leave me,
I try again, I got you, and again, you leave me
I wonder, why happiness not lasting
I lost in my way
I am alone, I am tired, I am lonely, I have no one (by Sari Edellwais)
My life 
Lonely life
Lonely mind
Lonely heart
Lonely sit
Lonely fun
Lonely work,
Lonely talk,
Lonely thoughts,
Lonely death,
Lonely walk,
Lonely run,
Lonely friend,
Lonely crying,
Lonely recess,
Lonely eat,
Lonely sick,
Lonely burning,
Lonely loneliness...
Lonely dies… (red colour: poem by Siawash Rustami)

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