Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Definition Text !


Handphone  oportunity  something  tool  comunication. handphone  very  useful  to  want Somemany  people.handphone already  use  to  knowed  situacion  that  long 
distanse Example  with telephone,mesagge,Imail,ect.
Except  that  handphone  also use  to  browsing,internet,google,facebook.but  know  the  all  use  handphone  with  good  and  handphone  also already  to  bring  influence  negative  example  playing  games,video  seks  and  make  lazy,but  not  some people.
Handphone  the as  positive  and  negative  so we  sure  already  maked  handphone  with  good.

 Written By : Vinsensius Dodo
NIM            : 521200143